Sun in 8th house

Sun in 8th house

Sun in 8th house

Sun in 8th house For Aries Ascendant

Assume you have an Aries Ascendant map with the Sun ruling the 5th house in Leo and sitting in the 8th house in Scorpio. This reveals a person who enjoys digging deep into the occult realm and mysticism. He enjoys reading witchcraft and mysticism literature. Simultaneously, relations with Father and in-laws are in shambles. It's possible that the father is violent, and the individual wants to assert control over the in-laws. Mysticism brings peace to these individuals. It is preferable for them to devote their time and energies to the realm of the occult.

Sun in 8th house For Taurus Ascendant

Assume the Ascendant is Taurus, and the Sun dominates the 4th house with the Leo sign and resides in the 8th house with the Sagittarius sign. This further demonstrates that relationships with parents change over time, implying that they can be too nice at times and forgettable at others. It also indicates that the individual works for the government in secret agencies.

Sun in 8th house For Gemini Ascendant 

Since the Sun represents government, Capricorn represents government, and the 8th house represents secret dealings, it simply depicts someone employed with government secret agencies. These individuals may be government spies.

Sun in 8th house For Cancer Ascendant 

Assume you have a Cancer Ascendant map with the Sun ruling the 2nd house with the Leo sign and sitting in the 8th house with the Aquarius sign. It demonstrates that your relationship with your father has undergone several changes. It can lead to a job in the business world or science studies, but the relationship with one's father is fraught with ups and downs, with the prospect of physical battles. Low self-esteem is also associated with the Sun in the 8th house.

Sun in 8th house For  Leo Ascendant 

Assume the map has a Leo Ascendant and the Sun is in the 8th house of Pisces. It depicts someone who has to struggle with ego and self-esteem transformations on a regular basis. However, since the Sun is in the pleasant sign of Pisces, an individual would be able to overcome any adversity.

Sun in 8th house For Virgo Ascendant 

Assume you have a Virgo Ascendant map, and the Sun dominates the 12th house with the Leo sign and is elevated in the 8th house with the Aries sign. When he deals with unexpected incidents and transitions, a person's ego and trust grow. It transforms a human into a powerful spirit.

Sun in 8th house For Libra Ascendant 

Assume the Ascendant is Libra, and the Sun dominates the 11th house with the Leo sign and resides in the 8th house with the Taurus sign. Taxes and Revenue, on the other hand, is a sector that lends itself to this position. In this case, a person's pride is shattered by others early in life, but he retains faith in life by enduring all of life's ups and downs.

Sun in 8th house For Scorpio Ascendant 

Assume the ascendant is Scorpio, and the Sun dominates the 10th house with the Leo sign and resides in the 8th house with the Gemini sign. It entails going through a series of activities in which your pride is shattered by others. Relationships with Father have also been tumultuous. Around the same time, when the Sun represents the government, Gemini represents the compilation of documents, and the 8th house represents secrecy, it indicates someone who interacts with a lot of secret government information.

Sun in 8th house For Sagittarius Ascendant

Assume the ascendant is in the sign of Sagittarius, and the Sun dominates the 9th house with the sign of Leo and resides in the 8th house with the sign of Cancer. This person may be in the occult field, but since they are born under the sign of Cancer, it seems that they are in the healing field. This may take the form of physical, magical, or supernatural healing.

Sun in 8th house For Capricorn Ascendant

Assume the map has a Capricorn Ascendant and the Sun dominates the 8th house with the Leo sign and just rests there. This person's faith is derived from his ability to cope with life's unexpected events and changes. When they go through life's ups and downs and emerge stronger, they have a strong sense of self-assurance. It's possible they're recruiting for the government's secret services. It demonstrates that a person's father has a significant impact on how they learned to cope with life's transformative events.

Sun in 8th house For Aquarius Ascendant 

Assume you have an Aquarius Ascendant map of Sun ruling 7th house in Leo and sitting in the 8th house in Virgo. It indicates that your partner will be a father figure for you, implying that you will have a spouse who shares your father's virtues. Your spouse may be an Authoritative Figure in a field such as accounting, banking, or auditing, where he must handle a large amount of data. It indicates that the partner is egoistic and could be logical and sceptical, which may lead to ego wars and a spoiled marriage. As a result, the pair may need to take care of this.

Sun in 8th house For Pisces Ascendant 

Assume the map has a Pisces Ascendant and Sun dominates 6th house with the Leo sign and is debilitated in the 8th house with the Libra sign. If the Sun is similar to actual degrees of debilitation, it indicates that the person's self-confidence and pride are being hammered and transformed over time. If Venus (Libra's lord) is still poorly positioned, the relationship with Father would be non-existent. It also depicts Father's cruelty or his utter absence. It also implies that the person is having difficulty determining his or her career or soul's mission. Any other successful yoga or dasha will totally transform the situation.

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